sales | marketing | product
Unique Value Proposition (UVP)…
is your master 🔑 to get noticed,
stimulate action and ultimately…
| control reality |
Forget SEO
Forget funnels
Forget sales teams
Forget landing pages
Forget business greatness
No clear UVP
No clear business
Not slogan
Not AI-driven
Not brand message
Not business description
Not formulaic…
UVP as strategic, alchemical thought piece that perfectly captures the soul of your service, your promise, your purpose.
. . .
are we communicating?
Successful brands need it, great digital campaigns are built on it, winning sales pursuits demand it.It’s NOT “we’re good people who do good work at a fair price,” not AI and sure as 🔥 not common.Fail to get it right and…”watch it all go away.”


existential Q’s
What do we do –
How do we think –
How are we different –
What’s our window –Who…ARE we?
Better figure that UVP out fast, CEO!
nexus complicata
process flow



Explore vision, goals, competencies, client segments1
Assess market, trends, create maps, service mix and messaging2
Integrate, test, and refine UVP across properties & modes3
lights, camera…
you’ve gone this far, now go ahead…
Communicate Beautifully
but first…let’s test impact!
UVP involves understanding, deconstructing and aligning all key aspects of your strategy, business model, services and cross-channel messaging, including yes, websites.
It will establish your core contract with all internal & marketplace stakeholders.
Today’s commercial landscape is harder, more competitive and faster moving than ever before. It’s BUSINESS CRITICAL your identity/branding, value and service definition are as absolutely clear and differentiating as possible.
While UVP sits at the intersection of marketing, sales, product management and business strategy – and realizing contribution should be expected from all direct stakeholders – it’s highly recommended one person/function be assigned overall program responsibility.
learn more, change your life, book a free 30 minute consult now!
"…structured process for complete re-think not only my UVP, but my entire business strategy. I ended up with a much better name, messaging, and a strategy that transcends the website. Highly recommended…for any business leader looking to build a more differentiated market message. …incredible results."
CEO, ActiveSalesPlaybook
“...the greater value of the GlobalReadiness coaching model lies in helping to understand, develop and apply executive-level thinking and cross-culture awareness (soft skills) for better and more confident engagement in our global workplace environment and in life.”
AI Frameworks Manager, INTEL®
“…exceptional to work with and went the extra mile to ensure deliverables were delivered according to our requirements. He is brilliant and thoughtful when designing the approach and really passionate about what he does. Look forward to working with him again in the near future!”
COO, Talentmesh
“…took my initial org chart request to the next level, expertly consulting us to fully understand strategy relative to future-state business structure. He then produced an MBB-quality ‘critical resource map’ that will be the basis of our structural growth and leadership decision process."
CEO, Chicago TransTech startup
“…a sales encyclopedia! He ran a private, high quality sales training for my cofounder and I teaching us critical enterprise fundamentals but in a way custom tailored to our business. I could feel us getting better with each day…
it was truly a masterclass.”
MIT PhD & Thiel Fellow startup
“...covered all aspects of modern business such as sales & marketing, advanced technologies, finance, consulting, business management allowing us to improve our expression and self-confidence, and understanding and interest in other aspects such as enterprise management and business.”
AI IOT Data Scientist, INTEL®

still not ready?
no problem…stay in orbit.*👇
Instant TRUTH MACHINE landing page assessment
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